If you are considering adoption to grow your family, you know it is not a decision to be made lightly. Perhaps you have known for years that you hoped to adopt someday. Maybe you came to the decision to adopt more recently, after other avenues of bui…
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The decision to start a family is a momentous one. The decision of how to start one is, too. If you have been wondering, “Should I adopt a child?” you know that it’s not a decision to be entered into lightly. Chances are, everyone you mention i…
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Adults adopting adults is not the first thing most people think of when they hear the word “adoption.” And while adult adoption certainly isn’t as common as adoption of an infant or child, it’s more common than you might think. What is Adult…
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There are many ways to build a family, and adoption can be one of the most beautiful, bringing together a child who needs a parent with a parent or parents who desperately long to share their love with a child. There are many types of adoption as wel…
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Sometimes the law creates a family, as when a person or couple adopts a newborn through an agency or private adoption. And then there are times that the law simply gives formal recognition to a family that already exists. That is often what happens i…
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When thinking about family formation, you have a number of options, including surrogacy and adoption. Both have their advantages and downsides; which one is right for you depends on your family’s circumstances and needs. Here are some factors to co…
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Since founding Brinkley Law Firm in 2011, attorney Stephanie Brinkley has helped families grow and expand by navigating them through the legal challenges surrounding Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) and Adoption. As an attorney who focuses on f… Read More
Originally from the small city of Corning, New York, Kaitlin “Kate” Burke graduated cum laude from Keuka College in 2017, where she earned a B.A. in Political Science and History. She later moved south and is a 2020 graduate of the Charleston Sch… Read More