Stephanie Brinkley Speaking at 3rd Annual Advanced Family Law Topics for the Bench and Bar

Photo of Stephanie Brinkley

Stephanie Brinkley will be speaking at the 2021 Advanced Family Law Topics for the Bench and Bar on December 3, 2021. The speaking topic will be "Modern ART: Don't Play Hide and Seek with Parental Rights. Parentage is Not a Game."

The event will be held at SC Bar Conference Center, 1501 Park Street, Columbia, SC 29201-2730.

The South Carolina chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and the South Carolina Bar CLE Division are proud to present the 3nd Annual "Advanced Family Law Topics for the Bench and Bar." This special program features a distinguished faculty of AAML Fellows from South Carolina and authorities in areas such as forensic accounting and investigations who will address trending family law topics from an advanced practice perspective. This powerful seminar is offered live at the SC Bar Conference Center and at our Greenville, Charleston, and Myrtle Beach satellite locations (attendance at each of which can earn you "carry-forward" CLE Credits, and by live webcast. If you want in-depth analysis with a further emphasis on practical application for your next family law case, this seminar is one you will not want to miss! This seminar is an advanced level program.

Categories: Speaking